LumaFusion – Best apple app of the year

Is not a secret that lumafusion has won ipad app of the year in according to their official announcement and is actually coming to chromebooks currently via app. I you don’t know about LumaFusion then you can get more about it in this next paragraph before going into details of it being app of the year.

What you need to know about LumaFusion

Actually LumaFusion is a helpful multitrack video editor that is used by most mobile journalists, youtube creators, filmmakers, and many professional video producers to edit their videos and produce final videos with powerful effects and compelling animations. If you are a youtube creator like myself, professional or aspiring producer, or maybe filmmaker, and you have an interesting story video, I think you need this app. You may not be used to it but you can get it’s tutorial on YouTube. I think you have a glimpse of what LumaFusion is all about now so let’s get into the main news.

LumaFusion coming to chromebooks

Many people that are updated about LumaFusion should have know before now that this app is coming to Chromebooks as an Android within the year 2022. We don’t actually know how long it will take before the actual date but is within the year 2022. According to our source this specific (LumaFusion ) video editor was being built for Android basically for Chromebooks. Though currently, we don’t have any full-featured video editors for Android like LumaFusion. Though we have great editors like capcut and Kinemaster but not really as optimized for the larger screen as this editor.

Some of these options are services like ClipChamp, WeVideo and Canva, though these options can be seen good for basic video projects but can’t simply be a replacement for pro-level editors like Final Cut Adobe Premiere or DaVinci Resolve.

Watch out for the power of LumaFusion

From our first paragraphs you can see the power of LumaFusion that have come across this app can testify to this, if you are updated on YouTube on video editor you must have already seen the power of LumaFusion displayed on YouTube by many creators through the full-blown videos on the iPad Pro with this app. You can check out the videos made by this creator “Jonathan Morrison” about editing full projects with this video, in this videos he express just how good LumaFusion can befor video editors. You can check the guys channel out on YouTube.

Out there on YouTube there are many more of these sort of video but the important point here is the fact that they are very-solid, these videos really look great, and was all done with the aid of LumaFusion app on the iPad Pro. And can also be used on Android and chromebooks as we speak now.

LumaFusion App of the Year

Because of how great and powerful this app is it have been crowned the iPad app of the year by Apple. So if you are not enticed by the fact that is coming to chrome OS maybe this can make you happy. See what Apple said about this to LumaFusion in their official announcement:

“Wherever you are on your filmmaking journey, LumaFusion meets you there. This multitrack video editor offers pros the features rarely found in an iPad app, all accessible through an intuitive touch interface that even beginners can get the hang of”.

“While we all knew LumaFusion was pretty amazing, seeing it snag this title makes us all even more excited for its eventual arrival on Chrome OS. While we don’t expect we’ll be able to transition to this app as our go-to editing solution here at Chrome Unboxed right away, there’s a chance it becomes our solution on the road and could be our long-term editor once all the wrinkles are ironed out. Though it’s too early to think about those things right now, it’s not too early to start getting excited about the fact that 2022 should see both video editing and local, non-cloud-based gaming solved in some major ways for Chromebook users across the board”

Source Apple’s official announcement

What do you feel about this app?Are you gonna download it right away. Please let us know in the comment box.

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